A small q, is there a way to sync the timestamp of...
# administrivia
A small q, is there a way to sync the timestamp of a podcast with a query param? It would help a lot with sharability and the occasional browser refresh when im listening! Based on the service being iframed in, I think these are the docs on how to do it.
FWIW, I'm itching to move away from OmniStudio. For sharability, Overcast (et al) let you create short audio or video clips of a podcast. As for the "browser refresh"... am I correct to assume you listen to our episodes entirely in the browser using the embedded player? If so, that's... miraculous, and a little terrifying. Might I ask why you aren't using a dedicated podcast client? It feels like there's an opportunity here, for us on the providing side at least if not for you on the listening side.
The embedded player has worked fine besides url persistence! I guess I prefer listening right in the browser than opening another app, haven’t thought too deeply about it 😂