I wrote an overly in-depth <write-up> of how I bui...
# share-your-work
I wrote an overly in-depth write-up of how I built a dashboard. It was the first time I've tried to build something a bit more ambitious using the new "tadi web" principles that got mentioned here a few days ago.
I feel like so much of the process was un-learning things that I've learned. The restraint of not reaching for the complex tools I'm used to - the ones that I want, but slow me down, and make things worse. Maybe this should have been a #thinking-together
I’m glad there were whole sections on the slippiness of val town. :) I wanted to know your analysis! I was kind of expecting PHP or CGI or something.
Love it! I've had similar experiences putting aside "my default web tooling" and start from scratch. If it’s interesting in any way, I've been documenting some optional/light weight frontend patterns that have helped me https://github.com/ChrisShank/progressive-element Cool to see val town used this way! 🙂 (Also the repo i linked has a pretty vanilla TodoMVC implemented, if your looking for “classic examples” it could be easy to port it. Also 7 GUIs is a classic https://eugenkiss.github.io/7guis/)
@alltom thanks! hopefully the takeaway is why I think val town helps me be slippy. many other things can be too! i don't know php very well and i don't know what cgi stands for. (actually i don't know what php stands for either, come to think of it) so maybe other people will be able to share how to use those in a slippy way too some day :)
@Christopher Shank nice! i recently made a todo app too, so we can compare notes. (try it here). maybe you saw my other examples. i didn't know about these 7 challenges!!! thank you, that's very helpful. I'll give them a go RIGHT NOW
3 done so far! will do the rest later :) https://www.todepond.com/wikiblogarden/tadi-web/hello-world/seven/ view source to see the code. if it seems like there's nothing special or clever happening, that's the point!