I'm currently working on a set of simple tools to ...
# share-your-work
I'm currently working on a set of simple tools to make data from the apple products available on the traditional web. • https://montaigne.io - create website from apple notes • https://public.photos - publish photos online from apple photos. a bit on pause • https://kiwi.page - publish apple notes online. a bit on pause too There are few interesting moments here for me: 1. liberate data from apple products 2. explore idea of local first software but in a different way. what is cool with this approach that data lives locally on your devices and then I just sync it to the web where it can be viewed and used by everyone It's not super challenging programming wise, but interesting to think about in terms of how software can be written
have some similar tools i've been thinking about open sourcing myself. most useful one has been iBooks highlights!
Montaigne looks lovely. I moved to Obsidian because of how well it supports hypertext (not an issue with Apple Notes nowadays IIRC) and I'm using Obsidian Publish for my lab notes (untested.sonnet.io) but I'm not really happy with it. Creating a publishing platform on top of Apple Notes does feel like magic to me tbh. Perhaps you'll find some interesting ideas for Montaigne in my mini-review of Obsidian Publish: https://untested.sonnet.io/Abusing+and+reviewing+Obsidian+Publish My ideal would be: export to a format I can pipe into 11ty or a similar tool, then spit out a page with my own UX + optimised assets etc... OR • instead of folders, let me \#tag the pages I want to export • optimise assets out of the box (e.g.
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Also +1 for offline-first software, most of the creative tools I build are offline-first, and are such for fairly selfish reasons: it's not just kinder to the user, but actually easier to write/architect.
@Rafał Pastuszak this is great https://untested.sonnet.io/Abusing+and+reviewing+Obsidian+Publish! Going to see what I can quickly implement in my products
@ollie please do! I was thinking doing something similar for iBooks since my gf uses it. So Wanted to export them too to the web
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My ideal would be: export to a format I can pipe into  11ty or a similar tool, then spit out a page with my own UX + optimised assets etc...
one of my sub goals was always just provide JSON api where people can fetch their notes and build any site they want. those are for people who don't want default UIs
Sweet, FYI I added a few lines on Recur in my TIL newsletter for this week. Thanks for giving me sth interesting to write about!
nice thank you! subscribed to your TIL newsletter. Looks so interesting. and this is really great write up https://untested.sonnet.io/Abusing+and+reviewing+Obsidian+Publish
This is really interesting! I've been thinking that some type of visualization / clustering + LLM interface for my Apple Notes would be really nice to see interconnections and to be able to generate ideas based on them. How did you interface the Apple Notes? Did you use the AppleScript / OSA interface?
"Did you use the AppleScript / OSA interface?" I did this in the first version. But later switched to https://github.com/threeplanetssoftware/apple_cloud_notes_parser It is much better. Basically it reads Apple Notes directly on Mac from sqlite database.
"I've been thinking that some type of visualization / clustering + LLM interface for my Apple Notes" yeah, this is a great experiment to do. Wanted to do something similar but didn't have time:)
The cloud notes parser looks interesting, thanks! :)