Where's the emacs people in this text centric brav...
# thinking-together
Where's the emacs people in this text centric brave new world? Context: the most interesting stuff done on text always happened on emacs, and it makes sense to use a text centric malleable software platform to experiment by adding LLMs to everything, I haven't seen much done there.
Here :D! What exactly do you mean though? Are you referring to rise of LLMs?
yep, updated the original message with more context
Yeah I also havent seen anything being done. There is a basic plugin for copilot but nothing more from what I know. I guess seeing something like Copilot X in Emacs would be cool. I think it might be due to power-users of Emacs possibly being a bit more old school, and maybe even a bit in opposition to the changes that LLMs are bringing? Might be also that, if userbase is more experienced engineers, they are just waiting for the whole space to stabilise more.
There's a talk about it at EmacsConf next weekend: https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/llm/ The speaker has written an Emacs interface to various LLMs: https://github.com/ahyatt/llm There's also interface specific to ChatGPT: https://github.com/xenodium/chatgpt-shell And some support for Copilot: https://robert.kra.hn/posts/2023-02-22-copilot-emacs-setup/ That's just links I collected over the last weeks from Mastodon or Emacs News. There's probably more.
Khoj claims to have an emacs client and claims to be open-source https://khoj.dev