```: fizzBuzz? ( n -- ) "" swap ( str n -- ) ( ...
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: fizzBuzz? ( n -- ) "" swap ( str n -- )
   ( str n n ) dup 3 % 0 = ( str n ) if swap ( n str ) "Fizz" concat ( n strFizz ) swap then
   ( str n n ) dup 5 % 0 = ( str n ) if swap ( n str ) "Buzz" concat ( n strFizz ) swap then
   concat .

1 100 do i fizzBuzz? loop
I have been working on a forth implementation, and this fully works now! I'm super excited to show the cooler stuff that goes along with it too :>
Haha, this is taking me back. You might be amused by my attempt at a Forth-like: https://github.com/andrewf/froth If you click through to the code you can find my FizzBuzz. Half the fun is in the reddit thread where i shared it: https://old.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/hu9okz/froth_a_very_bad_forthlike_interpreter/ Anyway, it looks like you've put a lot more work into yours. Godspeed!