Did a technical assignment for an interview this w...
# of-ai
Did a technical assignment for an interview this week, and made extensive use of ChatGPT4 to great success. It's to the point now that if I get an error message I don't understand, or get to a step where I'm unclear what to do next, I'll try ChatGPT4 before I will try Google, because with ChatGPT4 it already has the context for the problem, and gives me an answer specific to my context. Very different programming experience.
That's awesome, it's definitely a different experience! I've also been liking claude.ai for conversational stuff (free, & you can give it files to analyze and ask questions about). If you use VS Code, GitHub Copilot is awesome for in-file suggestions. It's so intertwined with my workflow now. Couldn't live without it
I use github co-pilot myself including the chat functionality. The chat functionality I use mainly to ask questions about my own code or to help me to setup boilerplate jest tests for selected code. Saved me a lot of time already