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# thinking-together
@Shobhit Srivastava @Prabhanshu Gupta @Ravi Chandra Padmala and others: Let's have a FoC meetup in Bengaluru? Happy to host in Domlur.
That’d be awesome :D When are you thinking?
Some time early October seems nice to get the word out by.
I'll have to miss it, I'm traveling until January.
I'll be back by Jan too, and would love to do this
If there's quorum, could we have an #in-blr channel @Ivan Reese when you have a moment 🙏🏽
Or #in-india for those of us visiting from other cities
I suggest having it in Jan so that more people can make it. Then we can have everyone present something: a project, some ideas/questions etc?
Jan sounds good! Let's jam further once we have the dedicated channel?
@Ravi Chandra Padmala @Arvind Thyagarajan What dates work best for you in January for meetup in Bangalore?
Weekday or weekend? For me the week of 8-12 would be best 🙏🏽
I attempted to create a public #in-india channel, but it seems there's already a private channel with that name. AFAICT, since we're on the free Slack plan, I'm not able to convert that to a public channel. If anyone here is a member of that channel, send me a DM and we'll see if we can get it set up properly.
@Nilesh Trivedi it might've been you who created that group, could you please see if it can be flipped to a regular #C05V6D72U1K channel or maybe Ivan can help if there's an admin side to it? Cheers
@Nilesh Trivedi invited me, and I've now converted the channel to public. Thanks everyone!