Hey, I just got rejected from the Recurse Center f...
# present-company
Hey, I just got rejected from the Recurse Center for the second time, after really hoping I would get to attend. Does anyone have any suggestions for other programs or anything else I might be interested in? Ideally it's something about doing computer stuff with computer people, I don't need to get paid, and I would pay. If anyone knows of any programs or projects looking for free help from someone experienced, please let me know.
TrainJam feels like it could be in this vein!
Regarding projects looking for free help: Lamdu! Feel free to contact me :)
Any sub-topic of FoC interesting for you in particular?
These days i’m interested in lower level things like compilers, loaders, linkers, operating systems, programming languages, assembly code. Machine learning and neural networks are another interest. Anything related to digital audio is interesting for me but I have very little experience Ideally I’d like to meet with people in person, Im working for myself since 2018 and just super lonely, I was really hoping for the come into Recurse Center every day for 3 months aspect and I am willing to travel to other people. I am located in the Bay Area though so maybe I’m already close to many of you
I also just got rejected from the Recurse Center. I don't have anything else I'm looking into atm. Would you say having a community to collaborate and share with others was your main motivation for joinng Recurse Center? I think thats what it was for me.
@Elliot I’m sorry to hear it. The hardest part is to not get a reason, especially after so alums I’ve talked to said it was perfect for me and were sure I would get in. Not sure if that was also your experience. Was it after the first interview as well? Yes absolutely, 100%. What are you going to do instead of Recurse? For me I already started to work on the projects I submitted for my proposal, on my Twitch channel: https://gist.github.com/sumeet/a14191917b28cdd753b15a0810d87e8c
Thanks. I felt like it was a good fit. No alumni recommended me tho. I was rejected after the pair programming interview. For now I am doing some part time multiplayer web app contract work while working on my personal projects. I built a prototype for one project I proposed to my Recurse centre interviewers since I got rejected: https://vezwork.github.io/polylab/dist/demo/bidirectionalParse/ Thanks for sharing your gist. I read the intro and some of the ideas. I have also struggled with reflecting on and sharing my work with others. I have been trying to get better at that. Writing every day has helped with the reflection. I like your idea of making a short video for reflection. I'd like to get to a place where my work is really in the open and people feel included in it and it feels collaborative. Takes work tho!