How we reduced the cost of building Twitter at Twi...
# linking-together
How we reduced the cost of building Twitter at Twitter-scale by 100x
Rama unifies computation and storage into a coherent model capable of building end-to-end backends at any scale in 100x less code than otherwise. Rama integrates and generalizes data ingestion, processing, indexing, and querying. A summary from @Dustin Getz
I have to admit, I'm confused by the presentation here. Maybe this is just personal, but even if there is something to be super excited about, it is hard for me to get excited. I'm all for database stuff. I know clojure so I understand where some of this is coming from. But the presentation just makes it so I have to dig and dig to try and understand what is going on.
So much cloak and dagger for backend infrastructure. I'd be intrigued to read their docs when it's more "open" --
/remindme august 22
I like that they are confronting the chronic impedance mismatch problem. But whatever new ideas they have are buried within a giant pile of custom tech they want you to adopt.
Oh well, in that case... Edit: there are few people I trust as a technology-barameter. Bryan is one
This thread from one of the authors may be a better introduction than the article