A new book caught my eye and maybe it'll catch you...
# linking-together
A new book caught my eye and maybe it'll catch yours? Real Life in Real Time [available August 22, 2023]
The cultural ramifications of online live streaming, including its effects on identity and power in digital spaces.
Some consider live streaming—the broadcasting of video and/or audio footage live online—simply an internet fad or source of entertainment, yet it is at the center of the digital mediation of our lives. In this edited volume, Johanna Brewer, Bo Ruberg, Amanda L. L. Cullen, and Christopher J. Persaud present a broad range of essays that explore the cultural implications of live streaming, paying special attention to how it is shifting notions of identity and power in digital spaces. The diverse set of international authors included represent a variety of perspectives, from digital media studies to queer studies, from human-computer interaction to anthropology, and more.