I've found this article on using CozoDB (A relatio...
# thinking-together
I've found this article on using CozoDB (A relational/graph database) as the hypocampus for AI. It's an interesting read though it's probably best to leave it explained in their own words https://docs.cozodb.org/en/latest/releases/v0.6.html What do people think, is this approach plausible? Will it make a notcable different to what AI's can do? The author has also written their own knowledge management tool so interesting all round.
I’ve been using vespa.ai for a while now and their blog seems to cover some of the same ideas. I wonder how similar the DBs are. https://blog.vespa.ai/announcing-maximum-inner-product-search/ I’ve been storing all the content the app I’m building creates in Vespa in the hope that it can makes sense of it in the way CozoDB seems to. Comparing the latest technology to the human mind has been a human foible since the mind was compared to a waterwheel when that was the thing. I think AI is far from intelligent but the lens it’s viewed through is too narrowly focused and Descartes set the aperture, so it can appear intelligent.
the lens it’s viewed through is too narrowly focused and Descartes set the aperture,
I love this. :^)