Hey folks, I’ve just launched the beta of the side...
# share-your-work
Hey folks, I’ve just launched the beta of the side project app I shared a video about a few months ago. I’ve settled on the name Riverbed. It allows you to create mini-apps to track your personal information on cards, including columns that automatically filter your cards and buttons that allow you to configure simple actions on them. It’s maybe an “almost-no-code” system? You can choose actions from a list instead of typing in scripts. Some of the things I’m exploring include: • How many types of app this card-and-column UX is helpful for, • How much we can accomplish in this domain in an “almost-no-code” approach, where instead of a scripting language we have a set of actions to choose from a dropdown, to make it more accessible to non-programmers, and • To what degree a focus on matching the UX of non-user-configurable apps is achievable or the best use of effort It’s free to use and OSS. More info and video here, including ideas for how I might develop it in the future; I would love any input folks in this community would like to provide! https://about.riverbed.app/
Really nice! Reminds me of Chorus by @jonathoda et al https://vimeo.com/179904952
thank you, i will check chorus out! it’s certainly not the most innovative idea out there. in fact the main innovation may be “i’m hoping this can actually be sustainable for one OSS maintainer on the side indefinitely” 🙂 (not sure if chorus is still maintained, but similar proprietary apps have been discontinued)
Yeah, Chorus was research software only and therefore not productized https://www.subtext-lang.org/chorus/index.html
Got it. Yup, this one is available for folks to use right away and I hope to maintain it as such for the long haul
Nice. Personal info processors like this have been built a lot but don’t seem to catch on. I recommend moving towards asymmetric multi-user experiences.
@jonathoda What’s your thinking behind that recommendation? What that idea brings to mind for me is the idea that, the people who are motivated enough to build with it can then create something that others can benefit from with minimal effort. In other words, equipping people to “code” with it, and equipping people who don’t code with it to still benefit. Something related that I want to put in before 1.0: the ability to share templates that others can use. This is directly HyperCard-inspired: I make something, share it, you use it, then tweak it when you find a need, then you have the option to share it back to the community again.
Yes, and where the point is to share information between people playing different roles in some group.
I had on my backlog the idea of sharing a board read-only with someone else, or “edit content but not configure”. This makes me think that per-field permissions could provide even more flexibility
I think you can make different edit views in Coda.io. Not sure if you can explicitly limit users to only certain pages.
Has some flavor of Lotus Agenda as well.