Hey Guys I've been working on a way to code in VR ...
# share-your-work
Hey Guys I've been working on a way to code in VR in an effective way. The code is open source and is available here: https://github.com/felipereigosa/kairon, for the full video where I show how it works and build a few things with it, please see here:


, let me know if you like it.
Nice work! Do you think you'll stick with JavaScript/WebVR? I had a few VR programming projects using it, but ended up going to Unreal Engine and eventually Unity since they felt more designed for building 3D applications.
Thanks, I'll probably stick with WebVR, I tried game engines before and I just don't like them. I don't even use an IDE, for my work I use emacs and a bash terminal like I'm a programmer from the 70's 😅 I like having access to the bare metal if I want to.
@Felipe Reigosa My fellow internet denizen, I feel like we have a lot to talk about: https://github.com/tikimcfee/LookAtThat
If this is a project you’re interested in pushing on, I’d really love to help push in some way. I’ve been trying to get a bite on help to make something like this a reality for a few years now, and I’ve not seen anyone write something new like this in a long time. I’m excited to chat!
(Also, sorry this thread is so old and I’m just now seeing it - it’s been apparently that long since I last visited FoC on this machine)