I'm interested in the concept of a "spread", which...
# thinking-together
I'm interested in the concept of a "spread", which I have seen discussed by Toby Schachman and @Joshua Horowitz partly in the context of dynamicland, though I forget where, anyone got a link? In my own system, I'm thinking I'll have them.
We talk about them a bit in the crosscut paper: https://www.inkandswitch.com/crosscut/
First place I saw them was in Toby's Apparatus: http://aprt.us
I believe he talked about them in more depth... somewhere. Can't quite remember.
Yeah! That's the thing I was thinking about. Thanks for sharing that back here.
Hope you enjoy! For future reference, Dynamicland work hasn’t made use of spreads (yet) – the only place I’ve seen them is Apparatus.
Saw this in the weekly digest. "Spreads" (including this name) I borrowed from vvvv which is a dataflow nodes and wires environment. You can put a "spread" of values into any input pin and the output pins will be correspondingly "spread". It's like the List Monad I guess.
I have something like this in my lang. Any value anywhere can be a single value or a sequence. It was a scary decision to make at first, but it worked!