Hiya fellow futurists! I've started a Substack for...
# thinking-together
Hiya fellow futurists! I've started a Substack for my "Lab Notes". Please consider subscribing! https://duncancragg.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-object-network-research
Subbed via RSS :)
Substack has RSS ???
I subscribe to a few substackers that way.
That's my discovery of the day! Mission accomplished: I am subscribed to your substack by RSS :-)
First impression: I see a lot of overlap with @Alexander Obenauer's Itemized OS (https://alexanderobenauer.com/articles/os/1/).
Yes, indeed, and thanks for reading enough to say that! It's good that there's at least one other person exploring a similar space, it can provide a point of comparison and can inspire new perspectives.
I could create a long list of differences as well as similarities, but I'd probably "lose the audience" if I did that!
Indeed, a list is not very helpful. But in individual articles you publish, you could point out similarities and differences related to the article's topic.
Well there's a lot of stuff to compare with out there, and also I doubt that Alexander would do the same!
Then how would you summarize what sets your project apart from the others?
Hi @Konrad Hinsen Just to say, I've far from forgotten about and/or I'm not in any way ignoring your question! On the contrary, it's set me off on one of my expansive multi-dimensional Trains Of Thought, (that sometimes last months!)
I'm currently learning all I can about Dynamicland so that I can at least answer your question for that!
TIL that Bret Victor is on Mastodon: @bret@dynamic.land