Have you folks heard of <https://www.buildingbeaut...
# linking-together
Have you folks heard of https://www.buildingbeauty.org/beautiful-software ? Sounds cool, but also they recommend you take the more architecture focused courses, which increases the overall cost and which I’m not sure I would be able to do 😅
sounds all a bit new-agey too
I did the whole course in 2019/20 and the “Self and Wholeness” module, which was added later, in 2022/23. AMA! Here are some ideas inspired by taking the course: http://nature-of-order.stefan-lesser.com/inspired-inklings And here's a recent presentation I did in their public webinar a few weeks ago: https://stefanlesser.substack.com/p/finding-meaning-in-the-nature-of Let me know how “new-agey” you think that is. :)