This has been the most frustrating couple of weeks...
# devlog-together
This has been the most frustrating couple of weeks I have had in the 14 months or so I have been working on this project. I'm in the process of implementing event reasoning as a language feature in Blawx. But allowing users to specify events as dates has counterintuitively required me to NOT represent them as dates in the back end. Which I discovered only after half a week of dead ends. Which in turn means that I had to rewrite my date library, throwing away about a month's worth of work, and losing several features (mostly to do with using years and months as units of duration). That worked, and had some other benefits including speed, but in turn has changed where the valuable information lives in the system's responses (from the values given to variables, if any, to the constraints imposed on those values), which means that I have to rebuild significant parts of the way responses are displayed to users. Everytime I think I have solved the problem, I discover that the solution offers three new problems. It has been an emotional rollercoaster that is driving me nuts. I want to believe that the remaining problems to solve are not hiding yet bigger problems, but I have believed that before, and this has already taken three times as long as anticipated. And I haven't even gotten to the point of being able to genuinely test it. Who knows? </Venting>
I can sympathize with everything you said. Been through something like this several times during the last two years while working on my structure editor tech. Only thing I can say is hang in there. There will be light at the end of the tunnel 🙂
Things getting any better?
Been in conferences for a couple of days, so I guess I'll find out tomorrow. 😀
That's got to be good for the spirit, at least.