There's so much talk of AI. It's overwhelming the ...
# administrivia
There's so much talk of AI. It's overwhelming the community. The threads are unspooling, bodies piling up in the streets, thoughts flowing in a turgid stream like blood laced with nanotechnology. I've created an #of-ai channel to contain the inflection. Gather the hyped there, the frothing mouthes, the coping, the nerd sniped. Get out of the town square, get into my self-driving car, ye damned.
It occurred to me yesterday that we need a parallel internet for all the AI posts. A federated Twitter clone where you can follow anyone, retweet anyone, reply to anyone -- but can never retweet to an existing Mastodon instance. That way we can dip in when we feel like it and detox when we don't.
It's a bit awkward that only 50 people have joined the AI channel so far, given that there are 2400 people in #thinking-together.
Not awkward at all! Most of the 2400 people are not very active.
Evidently! I suppose I'm surprised that only ~2% of users are active. (Or I suppose... active and willing to follow an AI channel.)
To be fair, I don't know how many lurkers we have. Just doesn't seem outlandish.
We have roughly 200-300 active users per month.
I know quite a few folks are feeling fatigued by all this AI commotion. So 50 people in 2 days seems about right.
Ha, just realized I hadn't actually joined the channel. Fixed.