(A shower thought after yet another morning findin...
# present-company
(A shower thought after yet another morning finding and fixing bugs in my own apps.) Today some big companies can make apps with shitty logic, poor reliability and bad UX. Today some developers can make little apps with shitty logic, poor reliability and bad UX. (Occasionally slightly better UX if they're open to designer input.) I hope recent AI advances empower designers to build little apps with shitty logic, poor reliability and half-decent UX.
This has been me copy-pasting rust errors into ChatGPT
if a designer is great at specifying exactly what they want in a way that gets a tool to produce an implementation that they wish, and then are able to maintain it going forward....isn't the designer just a developer?
(I don’t mean this sarcastically, just thinking through it.) If the apps we developers make have bad logic and bad reliabily, aren’t we not that great at specifying exactly what we want either?
isn't the designer just a developer?
Maybe? I think there’s a kink somewhere in that argument, because a distinction exists between “script kiddies” (negative connotations aside) and developers. But maybe the separation shouldn’t be there?
The distinction for that to me has always started at "able to maintain it going forward"
And the only way I see that breaking down is when (as I'm sure will happen at some point but I feel like it's not "soon") there's nothing to maintain and with each change the AI is regenerating the full implementation
I suspect @Josh Justice hit an important aspect: lots of apps are implementations of half-baked ideas. Prototypes that got published.
This is the way
This is the way.